Sagittarius Horoscope 2022: Get Accurate Predictions Now

July 2024 · 4 minute read
sagittarius 2022 horoscope
Reveal what awaits you with your Sagittarius Horoscope 2022...

Venus is the planet of money, and when 2022 kicks off, Venus will be traveling backward through responsible Capricorn and, interestingly enough, your 2nd House of Money. This is a great time to review the way you track your finances, and it may be helpful to set a new savings goal for yourself or update the way you budget. Sometimes Venus Retrograde can cause setbacks, so make sure you're being mindful and not spending too much! Now fast forward to the very end of the year, when Mercury will retrograde in this same part of your chart, and you'll have a chance to see if the financial steps you took in the beginning of the year helped you achieve your goals.

Find out what's happening for YOU in 2022 with predictions based on your unique Astrology »Find out what's happening for YOU in 2022 with predictions based on your unique Astrology »

Spreading the word

Saturn, the planet of structure and responsibility, is still making its slow journey through your 3rd House of Communication this year, and you may notice your mindset and the way you communicate is shifting a little. As a Sagittarius you are known for your bluntness and honesty, but you're learning to deliver the truth in a more palatable way so that others can truly receive what you are saying. You also are learning to take your big ideas and philosophical concepts and share them with others without sounding too preachy.

Starting January 14, Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius will highlight your communication sector, so be mindful of the way you choose to express yourself during this time. If you do have a setback in this domain, rest assured that it's just a cosmic lesson that's meant to help you readjust and do better going forward.

Find out what's happening for YOU in 2022 with predictions based on your unique Astrology »Find out what's happening for YOU in 2022 with predictions based on your unique Astrology »

You can't take everyone with you

Mercury Retrograde will strike your 7th House of Partnerships from May 10 - June 3, and then your 11th House of Friendship and Community from September 9 - October 2. Miscommunication is possible during these periods, and you may find yourself either needing to apologize or on the receiving end of an apology from friends and loved ones.

Mercury Retrograde is always a great time to take inventory of your current relationships. Are they serving a greater purpose? Do you feel good around the people you spend the most time with? Do they celebrate your authenticity? Would you like to expand your friendships and meet new people? This may be a year where you release meaningless relationships -- with gratitude for the time they served in your life -- to create space for new connections.

As you spend time reviewing your relations with others, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good luck, will spend the beginning of the year in your 4th House of Home and Roots. You may find yourself wanting to stick close to home, reconnect with family, and learn more about your family history. On May 10, however, Jupiter will move into confident Aries and your 5th House of Creativity and Passion, and you'll feel ready to step out and show the world the new you!

Find out what's happening for YOU in 2022 with predictions based on your unique Astrology »Find out what's happening for YOU in 2022 with predictions based on your unique Astrology »

Mind, body, and soul work

Four Solar and Lunar Eclipses will happen throughout 2022, working their cosmic magic in your 6th House of Wellness and 12th House of Spirituality. At the Solar Eclipse in your 6th house on April 30, it will serve you to create goals centered around your health and well-being. If you've been thinking about elevating your fitness routine and incorporating a daily ritual, this is a great time to implement your plan. Keep track of your progress, because when the Lunar Eclipse happens in this same part of your chart six months later on November 8, you can determine what worked best and let go of any lingering bad habits that are hindering your progress.

Your overall wellness also includes your spirituality, and beginning with the Lunar Eclipse in your private 12th house on May 15, you may need more time alone to embrace your inner sanctuary. This is a great time to journal, listen to music, and read books that will help you release anything that hinders your personal growth or blocks your relationship with a higher force. When the accompanying Solar Eclipse then takes place on October 25, you'll be ready to lay down a strong spiritual foundation that will support you going forward.

Find out what's happening for YOU in 2022 with predictions based on your unique Astrology »Find out what's happening for YOU in 2022 with predictions based on your unique Astrology »
