Recently new behind the scene pics from the sets of the series have surfaced on the internet. The pictures show Rajkummar Rao, who plays Paana Tipu, was seen enjoying and laughing around with the crew. Guns and Gulaabs takes place in the cartel-run town of Gulaabgunj, where an unprecedented opium deal draws a big-city cop and the lovesick mechanic, Paana Tipu, into its chaotic clutches.
The trailer for the show was released earlier this month. It also stars Dulquer Salmaan, Adarsh Gourav, and Gulshan Devaiah. The film will be an action-comedy with thriller elements. It will take place in the 1990s. The actor has previously demonstrated his comedic abilities in thrillers such as Stree. Dulquer Salmaan is also depicted in the trailer as a "family man." In the film, he will play the role of a cop. See Also: Guns and Gulaabs trailer showcases Dulquer Salmaan, Rajkummar Rao paying an ode to 1990s Bollywood More on: Guns and Gulaabs