Is Payday 3 down? If you’re trying to check the Payday 3 server status because you can’t get into a game of Payday 3 right now, you’re in the right place. If you want to know about whether you need to worry about the Payday 3 servers down error messages when you boot up the game, we’re here to help you out with information on their current status and where you can find more information.
One thing that’s worth remembering is that, even in single player game modes, Payday 3 is an “always online” game. That means you need to be connected to the servers at all time to access it. Sure, this looks like one of the best co-op games out there to play online with your friends, but sometimes the connection is out of your control. You can make sure you have internet and your Xbox or PS5 connected up, but you can’t control the Payday 3 servers. So, while you’re looking at all the Payday 3 weapons you can’t wait to get your hands on, here’s what you need to know about the servers.
Is Payday 3 down?
At the moment, the Payday 3 servers are down and experiencing some connection issues on all platforms, as per the official social media accounts. There’s no time reported when these issues will be solved. However, we can’t imagine the issues will be ongoing for any substantial length of time. The Payday 3 team is aware of them and rolling out a fix.
The cause of these server issues is most-likely the sheer number of players trying to jump on and play. The full Payday 3 release date is on the horizon, but those who pre-ordered premium editions of the game are able to enjoy Payday 3 early access – or, at least, they should be able to. Either way, these issues and the missing rewards (for players who could and can log into Payday 3) will be coming soon.
How to check the Payday 3 server status?
If you’re looking to keep up to date with the Payday 3 servers, the best place to look is the official X (formerly Twitter) Payday 3 social media account. This is where any scheduled downtime will be announced and – as we can already see – any unscheduled issues will be commented on.
It may also be worth keeping your eye on DownDetector – both for Payday 3 and your platform’s network status. It might not give you all the details you’re after, but it could be a way to piece together what’s happening. Searching “Payday 3” on social media platforms – and checking out the Payday 3 Subreddit – are also excellent places to see whether the server issues are isolated or otherwise.
You can find out more about the key lore you need to know before your first Payday 3 heist here, and more about all the upcoming Xbox games and upcoming PS5 games following Payday 3 in the latter half of 2023 – and beyond. There’s a lot to look forward to.