Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (2007)

July 2024 ยท 3 minute read

The Good
Not much to like about this game, the idea behind such game is very good, however, not all is like you would expect.

There are 2 sides, humans and stroggs. Both races have unique weapons in their arsenal, as well as unique vehicles. While humans have an arsenal of standard (yet futuristic) assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles and so on, the strogg have their own guns from the Quake universe, such as a Lighting gun, the Railgun, blasters and such. Humans can pilot tanks, helicopters and armed jeeps while strogg have notably more advanced hoovering tanks, big walking robots and other outrageous killing machines.

Like in the technical prequel, ET: QW has also different classes between the sides: besides from ordinary troopers, there are engineers, medics, and the new spies. A cool thing with the spies is that after an enemy soldier gets killed, they can camouflage themselves into the victims flesh, later on running around and looking like an enemy. There are also soldiers who can deliver artillery/automatic turrets to where they would like, so they would shoot the enemy.

These new additions are all great and give some variety to the gameplay.

All the maps take place on Earth, every mission usually looks like this: there are 4 spots on the map behind enemy lines, which have to be conquered or destroyed. If a team completes that before the time runs out, they win, if they can't manage to complete the job by the time, they fail.

To rewind all the good stuff about the game in a shorter sentence: a nice tactical warfare in the Quake universe with elements from the great game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

The Bad
This is probably the first game in the history, which is created by using an engine from id Software, and which I blame for the graphics. I really don't like the look of this game, the graphics just don't cut, the effects are blind, the vehicles, world, and every item and model just look like a peace of crap. To be honest, I think that even Quake 4 looked better than this. Mainly because the player models and the weapons in Quake 4 looked beautiful, unlike this game.

The sound is almost as bad, and the voice acting just makes my ears bleed.

Then we go to the ruined gameplay: not too much variety in maps and absolutely no variety in the objectives given in them. There isn't also a wide choice of maps and there's only a couple of game types.

It may sound like there aren't many problems here, but actually, this game is horrible.

The Bottom Line
When I played Quake 4-s multiplayer the first time, I hated it. Later I heard about this game coming up, and reminding of the good old days of Wolfenstein: ET, I thought: "Man, this game is just what I needed!" But, unfortunately, it turned out to be the biggest disappointment I've ever played. For those who wan't a great tactical online FPS game, please, don't pick this up. Even if you want a more futuristic like game of this type, pick up Battlefield 2142. Or, if you just wan't a good online FPS game, which is something like this, download Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory for free and enjoy it, cause its even worth a well bigger price than this.
