D&D 5E - Can you target an invisible creature with a spell?

July 2024 ยท 1 minute read
For the longest time I had assumed that a creature that cannot be seen cannot be targetted by a spell.... but doing a deeper reading of the rules i'm wondering if I'm pulling in some old edition assumptions here. The only thing I can find is that attacking a creature you can't see imposes disadvantage, and if you don't target the right square your attack auto misses. There is nothing specifically mentioned about spells and targets, other than requiring a clear path, and they can't be behind total cover.

So I take that to mean is, if I know what square an invisible or hidden creature is in, I can target them with a spell without issue (taking disadvantage on an attack roll if there is one). And if I pick the wrong square, the spell autofails.

Is that correct?
